works based on an interview with a classmate. she spoke a lot about discomfort and dispalcement, both physically in her own body and because she felt she didn't belong in the spaces she inhabited. she was adopted from Guatemala by a white father and Black mother and attended a wealthy private school in Chicago.

Eva and Calvin (Invisible) 2022
Eva is very shy. her dad used to show her Calvin and Hobbes comics.
this scan is from her family’s collection.
the body holds everything.

Eva's favorite toy, Eva's favorite book. (2022)
she played sports and had boyfriends and held on to a lot of anger.
the book is "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehesi Coates.
what do we hold on to when our bodies disappear?

Body (Eva) 2022
notes are from her high school annotations of "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehesi Coates, which is her favorite book.
the body holds everything.

Calvin and Eva (Invisible) 2022
how do we disappear into ourselves?